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Monday, August 20, 2012

Manipura—Guided Meditation for the Solar Plexus Chakra

Try to perform this meditation when you won’t be disturbed.  Turn the phone off or down, make sure the children are occupied or in bed.  Find a comfortable position either sitting in lotus position, lying on the floor or bed, or in a reclining chair.  Play soft soothing music.  Use the aroma therapy recommendations from the Manipura Correspondences, or burn incense of the appropriate variety to match the aroma therapy recommendations. 

Here is a bit of guidance about your personal power.  When you allow the opinions, actions or someone’s position in life cause you to act in ways that are against your nature, you have given them power over you.  They may not even be aware that they have this power, but you know they do if you really look.  These people will make you angry, do or consider doing things that are against you best interest.  This meditation will help you take back that power, and help assure that you do not give your personal power to others.  A really good article on this is Here.  You don’t need to follow her advice, but it does a good job of explaining personal power.

I like to record these visualizations.  Talk softly, and slowly.  If you don’t like the sound of your own voice, have a friend record it for you.  The multiple dots after words ……mean a long pause.  The dots after numbers mean to count slowly.

Now begin.  

The Golden Warrior Meditation

Begin by placing your tongue on the spot where your teeth and gums come together.  Take a deep breath through your nose 1…2…3…4…  hold that breath 1…2...3...4...5...6...7 exhale through your mouth 1….2…3…4…5…6…7…8 repeat this process 3 more times.  Begin to breathe normally.  Now relax your feet….  Feel that nice relaxing feeling moving up your calves…, through your knees and into the thighs…..  Feel your legs grow heavy and sink into their point of contact……  Feel that nice warm, relaxing feeling moving through the muscles of your buttocks and into your stomach…..feel the muscles relax and the tightness leave…….Feel that relaxation moving up your chest and back…, feel your shoulders relax, and shoulder blades press into the point of contact….Feel that nice relaxing feeling moving down your arm, and into your hands, feel a nice tingling feeling in your fingers as you let yourself go……Feel the relaxation move up your neck, into your scalp…..down the front of your brow.  Feel the forehead smooth out and lose its creases……feel the relaxation move into your jaw…unclench your teeth…..feel your chin drop……Relax…..Relax

Now you find yourself in nice comfortable surroundings.  There is a gentle breeze blowing….The birds are singing…You can feel the sun on your face.  You feel that nice warm yellow light penetrating your skin…. warming you from within.  Feel the power of that light….You are surrounded by the aura of the yellow light that serves as your armor.  An armor of warm strong yellow light that allows energy for your highest and greatest good to flow in, yet allows negative energy to flow out away from you.  It is always there, all you need to do is recognize it.  It is you and the armor is yours.  Feel yourself fill with confidence, power and courage.  I AM confidence I AM Power, I AM courage, I AM that I AM.  You fill with the yellow light of true power, confidence, and courage. You are right here, right now, and in control.  This is your position of control. You are capable of doing anything…You shall take back your personal power from anyone that you have given it to.

Envision the person(s) to whom you leak your personal power…..  See them standing at the edge of this area….…..In their hand is the scepter of your power that you have relinquished to them…..Feel the heat of the spiritual warrior coursing through your veins, feel the yellow light of your power….Stretch out your hand toward the scepter…..Call it to you……Watch it jump out of the grasp of the other person and fly into your grasp. You have no need to fight with this person, no aggression is necessary.  Just call to you what is yours by right.  You are now in possession of your personal power.  It has always been yours, and you have a right to it. You are now the wielder of this power.  You have the confidence to use it wisely.

You stride forward confident in your power.  You show the person the scepter of you power.  You gently say in a nice soft voice.  “This is my personal power, and I will never relinquish it to you or any other person.  I have the confidence to use it for my own greater good, and I will not need your help any longer.”  Wave your hand at this person in a dismissive gesture, and watch them blink out of sight……

Lie down with your scepter of personal power……Feel the confidence that it instills in you.  Absorb the power and make it yours. The scepter is a mere representation of that which is in you.  Know that you are courageous, because you had the strength to take back your personal power, and dismiss the person to whom you had given it.  You are a Golden Spiritual Warrior.  You have a spark of the divine for guidance, just be still and listen for it.  You can call it from within you at anytime. 

Now I’m going to count backwards form 5 to 1.  5…your are beginning to rouse from the visualization….4 you feel confident and powerful…3 your courage is always available…2 your power and divine guidance are yours at will….1 you are fully aware of your surroundings, your eyes are open and you feel relaxed and rested. 

This concludes the guided meditation.  Welcome to the world of confidence and courage. 
If you have any thoughts on guided meditations for this charka, please feel free to use them, and if you like share them with us.  You may use any part of mine that you wish, like the beginning relaxation.  Then you can add your own guided imagery, the more the merrier.  I sometimes use this is a specific way to reclaim my leaked power from a specific person.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Manipura-Solar Plexus Chakra Activities

Yoga Postures

Do NOT perform these postures if you are physically incapable of doing so.  Before beginning any type of physical postures one should consult a physician.

Pranayama — The described routine should be followed up until you reach the Breath of Fire.  However, performing all of them will not hurt you.  You should not perform any of these pranayama if you have breathing issues.  Go slow at first if you have never done these.
ChestExpanderI also like to just relax my arms to my side, and lean back a bit letting my arms dangle back of me and opening my chest.

Other Things to Try
  • Jogging
  • Power walking
  • Belly Dancing
Solar Plexus Contraction—Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet flat on the floor.  Be sure that your back is comfortable.  Take a deep breath and exhale.  At the same time contract your stomach muscles and try to push your belly button through to your backbone.  Hold for a short count of 4 and release.  Repeat for a count of 5.  As you progress you may want to try a few more at a time.

BellyRoll Undulations also work well.

Activity for the Solar Plexus
  • Take a trip on your own to somewhere you have never been.
  • Climb a mountain
  • Start a course of study of something you always wanted to do
  • Sell or give away things that don’t have meaning or allure any longer
  • Talk to someone who frightened you in the past
  • Talk to a friend or healer who can help you resolve issues in you past, which block your happiness and health today.
Aroma Therapy
Bergamot—(Citrus bergamia)
Carnation—(Dianthus caryophyllus)
Gold Chamomile—(Roman) (Chamaemelum nobile or Anthemis noblis)
Fennel—(Foeniculum vulgare, F. officinale, Anethum foeniculum)
Lavender—(Lavendula augustifolia, L. officinalis, L. vera)
Sandalwood—(Santalum Alb)

Methods for dispersing are in hot melted candle wax (unscented candle of course).  Don’t get oil in flame, just drop on top of melted wax.  Oil diffuser on low wattage lamp, or on low wattage lamp bulb itself.  In simmering (not boiling) water.

Follow the Chakra
This is a free flowing movement with hands, feet and body moving from guidance from the solar plexus chakra.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hands on the solar plexus.  Visualize a golden yellow sphere vibrating under your hands, pulsating with light and energy.  Sense this yellow glow extending out from you Solar Plexus chakra to the rest of your body.  Become aware of the power that is now available to you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
  2. Keeping this visualization allow your solar plexus to direct the movement of your body as if it were a ball of light extending from your stomach.  Flow with the movement of the energy, feel your feet and arms flow with the movement of the energy.  Allow your arms to swing out to the sides and twist your body to follow their motion.  Intuitively follow the movement.
  3. Acknowledge any inhibited thoughts that enter your head and the let them flow past like a cloud on a summer day.  Try not to concentrate on anything but gentle, flowing movements of your body and arms.  Drift off into your own little world for as long as you are comfortable, keeping the focus on the powerful little ball of light emanating from your stomach.
  4. Allow yourself to become abandoned to the power within you, shutting off the inner voice of “shouldn’ts and can’ts”

Light Meditation

Get comfortable.  Either lay on the floor with hands at a 45° angle to your body, in a recliner or lying in bed.  Begin the meditation while playing soft, relaxing music, and if possible use one of the aroma therapy methods defined in a previous post. 

Take a few deep breaths prior to beginning the 4-7-8 Breath.

4-7-8-Breath—Take a slow deep breath in through the nose for a count of 4; visualize inhaling nice, clean, relaxing air.  Hold the breath for a count of 7; visualize the nice clean relaxation circulating through your body.  Exhale through your mouth with a whoosh sound for the count of 8; visualize releasing all of the negativity and tension from your body.  Your tongue should be touching the roof of your mouth right where the teeth and gums come together.  There is no prescribed length for the counts, but they should be equally space through each cycle.  Perform four (4) cycles at first, and increase to eight (8) cycles over 4 weeks.  There is no need to perform more of these at one time.  Do this a couple times a day.

Return your breathing to normal.  Tell your body to relax.  Pay close attention to the jaw line, brow, and shoulders.  Notice any areas that are painful and tight and breathe into them while you feel them relax and release.  When you are relaxed; breathe normally.  Feel yourself bathed in the warm fire of the confidence.  This is not a fire that will burn you physically, but one that will light the fire of confidence.  See the yellow fire of confidence coalesce around your solar plexus, feel it enter your body and lodge in your solar plexus.  Feel that yellow light attach into your spine, and warm you.  Feel this yellow light expand up and outward to just above your body.  Watch as it turns into the bud of a lotus.  Visualize the bud opening, into the first blush of full bloom.  This is not an overblown bloom, past its prime, but one that is perfect.  Visualize this lotus begin to spin clockwise.  Slowly at first, but picking up speed until it falls into rhythm with your heart.  Hold this visualization for as long as you like .……….  When you are finished breathe deeply and feel the energy of the breath revive you and energize you.

Need some wonderful meditation music? Go Here