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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Muladhara-The Mother Archetype

Muladhara The Mother Archetype-2012

The mother archetype is well known.  She is the lady who nurtures and loves us.  To put a name to this would be to say: Mary the mother of Jesus, Demeter, Freya.  They personify love, safety and nurture, and continuation of the species.   For our study here we are looking at the integration of our mother archetype into our lives.

It is important to integrate this archetype, as this is how we learn to LOVE, to love ourselves, so that we may love others, and ultimately everyone.  As she becomes more active in our lives, we learn to stop projecting our needs, and faults on others and the world at large.  We stop the blaming and finger pointing.  She teaches us that we are responsible for ourselves, and how to look after ourselves.

Many adults become arrested in childhood, and they just haven’t tried to see their ability to take care of themselves.  They are still waiting for someone to come into their lives and fulfill this need.  It is quite possible that our own mother was not able to grow and provide the teaching we need, so we must learn to do this for ourselves.  In this chakra we learn to be our own good mother and heal the inadequacies of our childhood, if any exist. 

We become victims when we lose our grounding in the mother.  She is closely related to the Earth, and when this energy is cut off we lose our ability to sustain ourselves.  “When we are our own good Mother we know our body’s limitations, our emotional strength and fragility, and our mental ability to think clearly.  When we are our own good Mother we know where we stand in life, literally and figuratively.

How to bring the Mother into your life

Take responsibility for yourself, and look after your needs.   Nurture yourself and know what you need to feel safe and secure.  These two things require thought, and practice.  Once we accept that “I am enough”, contemplation/meditation/connecting with our higher self will reveal what we need to do to feel safe and secure.  By bringing the mother into your life one is required to manage their life, to eat well, and care for your physical needs for clothing and shelter.  When you get good at this, the less you depend on others to fill the mother roll.  You stabilize your base that lets you join the world on you own terms knowing there is a safe place for you within; free from strife, stress and interference. 


  • Recall a time when you felt unable to look after yourself.  Whether it was from illness, tired or emotionally upset, you needed help from someone to regain your strength and stability.  How do you feel about that situation?  Did you feel better after someone else’s cared for you?

  • Can you remember how you got the support you needed to recuperate?  Were you patient and understanding with yourself?  Did your family or friends give you the support you needed?  Was it their willingness to stick by you that helped you get better?  Did you know that you had to look after yourself?

  • Can you give yourself time off from the stress and strain in your life now?  Do you know when you need some R&R?  Do you know how to protect yourself from the pressures of work or relationships?

  • Look at the people in your life now.  Do you feel you could call on them to assist you when you are in need of help?  Do you feel entitled to ask for help when you need it?

  • Are you willing to take responsibility for yourself to the best of your ability, and look after your own physical and emotional needs?

  • Can you build in the care and nurturing you need for yourself in your life now?  How can you change your life to include your needs in your daily routine?

I find this meditation is really nice if you do it outside, standing barefoot in the grass, in a rather quiet spot.  You don’t want distractions.  If I can’t find a quiet spot outside, I just make sure my feet are in contact with the floor.

Use whatever relaxation technique works for you.  I describe one in a previous blog.  Make sure that you are deeply relaxed.  I like to do the relaxing breathing of equal counts of inhalation and exhalation.

Ground yourself by imagining your energy extending into the earth, it goes deep into the core of mother earth.  You feel all the negative energy running from your body into the earth and this is the perfect place for it.  The earth has its own cleansing energy, and will cleanse that energy for its own use.  You feel that negativity replaced by the warm, clean energy of mother earth.  You feel clean energy course through you body cleansing any negative energy that may be left.  You feel safe and warm; wrapped in the energy of the source of all things.  Feel the strength.  Feel the love.  Feel the comfort.

Know that you are a spark of that energy.  You feel it as a rush of pure joy as you realize that you have tapped that energy from which all things are created.  That energy is malleable. You know that you shape your world with this energy.  You know that you can manifest anything that you desire.  You know that you are always in control, and what you want to manifest is already yours.  You feel the satisfaction and joy of having what you need and want.  It is already yours.  You are safe, secure, and have all your needs met. 

Surround yourself in a warm red energy, feel it seep into every inch of your body.  Just feel the energy coursing through your body.  You control that energy.  You are the creative source, imagine what you want.  Know that it is yours, feel the joy of having what you want, and reap the benefits of having it, because it is created.

Relax, and slowly allow yourself to come back to awareness.  You will take the feeling of your manifestation with you.  Connect to it as often as you want to.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Visitation Meditation for Root Chakra

1.4 Muladhara Root Chakra Guided Meditation

General Guidelines

This is guidance that should be used throughout this class.  Keep track of those methods of relaxation that work best for you, and use them for yourself when doing these meditations. 

The most important thing with meditation is to find a place where you are comfortable, alone, and will not be disturbed.   You may sit in lotus, or cross-legged on the floor; or my favorite is in the recliner with it tipped back.  You may also lie in bed.  Don’t worry if you go to sleep, your subconscious is still active, and this is what you are working on anyway.

The meditation is best done by recording it on a CD, IPOD or other recording device, and playing it back with headphones.  Use a nice relaxed slow manner of speech.  Don’t rush, take your time and pause for nice long times.  It should take 15 to 20 minutes to record.  This gives you an opportunity to complete the visualization. 

The long line of dots means that a long pause is necessary when recording the meditation.  Turn off the phone if you can.  Let’s begin.

The Visitation Meditation--This is the recording

Begin by placing your tongue on the spot where your teeth and gums come together behind you top front teeth. Take a deep breath visualize that you are inhaling cleansing energy through your nose 1…2…3…4… , hold that breath 1…2...3...4...5...6...7 exhale through your mouth with a whooshing sound for a count of 8, visualizing all negativity being expelled with the breath.   This can take as long or as little time as is necessary, the goal is to have the counts equal distances apart.  Repeat this process 3 more times. (not recorded-here is a long pause)  Now that you are finished begin to breathe normally. Now relax your feet.... Feel that nice relaxing feeling moving up your calves....., through your knees.... into the thighs.... Feel your legs grow heavy and sink into their points of contact…… Feel that nice relaxing feeling moving through the muscles of your buttocks..... into your stomach…..feel the muscles relax and the tightness just eases away…….Feel that relaxation moving up your chest and back, feel your shoulder blades press into the points of contact….Feel that nice relaxing feeling moving into your shoulders.... down your arm…. feel it moving into your hands.... A nice tingling feeling in your hands as you let yourself go……Feel the relaxation move up your neck, into your scalp…..down the front of your brow.... Feel the forehead smooth out and lose its creases……feel the relaxation move into your jaw…unclench your teeth…..feel your chin drop……Relax…..Relax   mmmmmmmmmmmm this is so nice…….

Now I am going to take you down a set of stairs, with each step you will move deeper and deeper into relaxation.  Step down.  One, moving deeper into relaxation.  Step two, you feel yourself letting go, and relaxing.  Three, relaxing......Four, moving further into relaxing.....Five, you feel completely relaxed....Six, you feel your body relaxing into the  chair, floor, bed.  Seven, you relax and feel all tension washed away....Eight, relaxing...nine relaxed....Ten, you are at the end of the stairs, totally relaxed.

You find yourself on a beach.  There is no one here.  There is nothing here that can hurt you, and you are completely alone....  There is a breeze that brings the crisp smell of tangy salt air to you….You can see the moonlight shining across the water.  It is so beautiful………….  Just relax and watch the moon rising across the water, and how it shines on the little ripples and waves.  Notice the sound of the lapping water, as it washes into the beach………..(do not record, this is a really long pause.)

You see a person approaching…….. S/he looks familiar and totally non-threatening……. S/he looks down at you benevolently.  S/he is your inner source energy, your spark of God within us all…. S/he is smiling at you, and it cloaks you with comfort and love…… Know that s/he will never let you down.  S/he is part of you, and will always protect you….S/he is always in contact with you, and sends messages in you moments of consciousness……The messages tell you when you are in accord with your inner source…..When you feel good, you are in accord…..When you feel bad you are not in accord with what your inner source knows about who and what you are.

Approach your inner source.  Hug, kiss and/or link arms… Enjoy the feeling….. Take time to get to know one another……… Enjoy the sensation of re-acquaintance and trust…Be still and know that you are God, the creator of your universe…Through the power of  I am, you can create what you want.  I am safe, I am unafraid, I am the creator.................(you guessed it, a long, long pause)

Look at the cloak that s/he enfolded you in it.  Examine it.  Feel it. Smell it.  It is a clear cloak of shelter.  It can be put on when you feel the need of extra strength and protection.  It enfolds you in the arms of your loving inner source….. Thank your source energy for the cloak….. You can use it anytime…. All you need do is recall it, and throw it over your shoulders….. It will envelope you with security and love…. S/he is always there for you….. The cloak is yours to recall anytime you feel abandoned, victimized or anxious…….

As you put on your cloak, feel the energy of security and love channel to your root chakra……. Imagine this chakra as a 4 petal lotus rotating like a wheel…… 

Focus on the rotation of the chakra…… smooth out the rotation….. ask source energy to spin it at the proper vibration………. Connect your mind to the chakra……. You can feel its motion…. Now that you have connected, you can influence its motion.……. Feel it balancing……….

Feel the smooth motion of the chakra, and the warm red glow that fills your root chakra…….  Let that glow flow down you legs and into the ground…….  Feel it connect with the earth……. Enjoy the reassuring feeling of groundedness, security, and stability……. Bask in the power of security, groundedness and stability that this connection gives you……. Know that this connection is always there to ground, stabilize, and secure you…All you need to is think or say, I am safe, I am secure, I am grounded…Feel that red energy flow back up and through your legs and up your sushumna, and flow out of the top of your head.  See it flow down like a clear red shield around your body…….  I am protected, I am safe, I am secure…...(This pause should be nice and long, 3-5 minutes where nice soft music is playing and you are just relaxing in your visualization)

Now as I count from one to five, you will feel yourself  becoming more conscious of your surroundings.  One, you feel nice and relaxed.  Two, you will take this feeling with you for the rest of the day.  Three, you are becoming more aware of your surroundings.  Four, I am protected, secure and safe.  Five, you are grounded in your source energy which is pure love.  Now open your eyes, stretch and feel the tingle of good clean energy throughout your body.  Welcome to a more secure world.  I am loved, I am filled with the creative energy of the universe, and I am ALWAYS tapped into it. You can get this feeling simply by visualizing the invisible cloak of creation and security.
