
I generally do not highlight anything in this blog. When I find it necessary to link something I will indicate this in the post. All other highlights are there without my approval. I do not endorse or recommend any of the places or products that are associated with any link that I have not mentioned in the blog, as I may not have any knowledge of the process, person or product.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

It Really is All Perspective

I was watching Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey today, and realized that I should probably get some of his books.  He has come a very long way from his first strange explorations 30 years ago.  Oh wait, could I have that wrong, is it me that has grown.  Well maybe a little of both is my theory.  All of my favorite teachers have come a long way with me.  I actually see some of my favorite Televangelists jumping on the spiritual band wangon so to speak in ways that mimic some of my favorite spiritual teachers.

At any rate, there were several things that struck me during this program, and I had to capture the teachings in a way that makes them available to me and anyone else.  Deepak became a monk, and during his training he and his fellow initiates would meditate on their own death, and then go out an beg for a good share of the day.  No one could have recognized Deepak without his hair, dressed in the orange and yellow robes or a monk, and barefoot.  Can you see where this is going?

One evening when he returned to the monestary, his teacher asked him how things were going.  He indicated that things were going pretty good.  However, his feet were very sore from walking barefoot, when he was used to wearing shoes.  His teacher said well then you need to change your perspective.  "You should concentrate on the super relief of the lifted food.  Lifting the foot takes the pressure off that sore foot, and it feels soooo good."  Those statements hit me like a freight train.  Isn't it just like us to focus on the negative aspects of walking barefoot, rather than the positive joy of lifting that sore foot from the road.  Imagine what that might be like?  Imagine what it would be like to use that parable for all sore things in our life.  Accentuate the positive, minimize the negative.  It really is all "Perspective."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Manipura—The Warrior Archetype

I offer this website as one that will give you information about the warrior archetype from its light and dark side.  http://www.myss.com/library/contracts/three_archs.asp We will be focusing on the warrior as a functional archetype for Manipura. As we embark on exploring the warrior, let’s leave behind the attitudes of the servant.

The warrior lets us be the hero of our own lives. We take control, harness our power, and live from a solidly empowered position in our work, relationships and the world around us. The more we give ourselves permission to feel good in the power of our own energy, the more personal power we accumulate in our lives.

It is a strong archetype, and operates primarily on an instinctual level and positively reflects our levels of self-confidence, self-worth, and personal power. When we assert our right to be the best person we know how to be, this archetype gives us the focus and strength to do so. This means we do the things we love and enjoy, and fully express our talents and gifts. It also gives us the ability to say “no” when necessary. Our ability to defend our rights, and stand up for ourselves comes from this archetype. It is from here that we make our stand in life.

The way the world forces the development of the warrior is by giving it challenges to face. This usually takes the form of rejection, or opposition. The warrior must rely on its own sense of self, and worth to see them through, and harness its strength and power. It sharpens its proverbial sword and develops its esteem, confidence and wisdom for growth and personal development.

The warrior thrives on strife and conflict, and uses these situations to further its power. The warrior is always on the side of good as it perceives it, and often forgets that this is based in its own projections. The polarity of good and bad gives the warrior the impetus it needs to fight for itself.

There are some spiritual limitations, as the warrior believes in the material world and its divisions of power and strength.  At this level of awareness the warrior has not yet extended their awareness to the reality that we are all one. They experience power played out in relationships, working situation and in life, and understands the way people act out their aggression, anger and jealousy as a substitute for any sense of personal power. It is important for them to have a strong and resilient ego, and to strive for success in all they do. They make money, seek pleasure, and find intimacy and survive without jeopardizing their worth or integrity in any way. Indeed everything they do heightens their sense of worth. The limitation is that many warriors believe that their success is the result of their own doing.  They do not necessarily link their ego with their spiritual awareness, because they believe they are solely responsible for their success. A spiritual warrior on the other hand, is constantly thankful for the challenges and obstacles it encounters and overcomes, as this is what develops grace and grit. If the warrior does not develop some type of spirituality, it may become arrogant and rigid. It can become focused only on its ambition and success.

This archetype offers us the opportunity to experience our control of the world and to understand and come to terms with the nature of power. It gives us an awareness of how we mange power and how others can harness it or misuse it in their lives and relationships. It is a necessary archetype to transcend on the path to love.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Manipura—The Servant Archetype


I offer this website as one that will give you information about the servant archetype from its light and dark side. http://www.myss.com/library/contracts/three_archs.asp  All archetypes have a light and dark side, but what we are talking about for the purposes of this lesson will be the more dysfunctional manifestation of the archetype.

The servant is one who serves others to the exclusion of the self. The servant archetype gets lots of support from society and religion, as there is a belief that service to others builds character. This is absolutely true, but the difference between service to others, and servitude are great. Service is giving time to help others in need, and the reward is the knowledge that you are doing a good thing. Servitude is doing for others in hopes that they will praise and acknowledge you.

The servant often attends to others needs, and neglects their own needs. This archetype is not as dysfunctional as the victim or Martyr, but represents, someone who does a job well but who is neglected and receives little acknowledgement for what they do. A servant does not believe that they deserve praise or thanks for what they do. They are happy for any bone thrown their way; however, healthy relationships acknowledge the contributions each other and all parties concerned.

If you look at the life of a servant, they usually do their job without much recognition that they even exist. There are numerous times that they are ignored as if not present. They are in the background waiting their opportunity so serve others needs.

In the dysfunctional archetype the person is always waiting on others, and performing others wishes without acknowledgement or gratitude. They lack the self-esteem to move on to higher levels of achievement and empowerment. Since they don’t believe that they deserve anything better, they are not capable of empowering themselves, and therefore, always waiting on others to give them what they cannot give themselves. This is a recipe for failure and an unhappy life of servitude to ungrateful recipients. This archetype gives up its personal power and emotional needs in order to win approval and acknowledgement from others. This archetype “projects its power on to others and makes them more powerful than they are, investing them with qualities it would like to express but wouldn’t dare.

To change this archetype we need to learn to empower ourselves, and give acknowledgment to ourselves for jobs well done. If you wait on others to give praise or acknowledgement, you are giving them your personal power. Often servants long for praise for others who are incapable of giving this praise. When this happens the servant needs to give themselves room to evaluate their abilities and performance and give themselves the praise they deserve. They need to distance themselves from the situation or person with whom they are entangled, release its projections of power into the other person and own its worth. It is time to analyze the reason that the praise and acknowledgement is so important to you, and why you have placed yourself in this situation where you aren’t getting what you want.

When the servant lives for acknowledgement and recognition from others they are dependent on them for their well-being and it makes them responsible for their happiness. Thus they stay submissive and dependent on others. The servant needs to know the simple truth that it doesn’t need to do or be anything in order to be loved.  They deserve love and consideration simply because they are worthy of it. Their value is not tied to what they do but to who it is.

Some rolls that engender the servant are a housewife who’s only acknowledged roll is to serve their husband and children. Nurses, secretaries, and other auxiliary helpers often fall into this category of service without acknowledgement from those they serve. This does not mean that those in these rolls always manifest this archetype, so long as they receive the acknowledgement they deserve. And of course, this archetype is not gender specific.

One always needs to analyze their situation as regards any situation that is not palatable, and take steps to correct the situation. Abusive situations require removing oneself from the immediate danger, and working to understand what brought you to that situation. This should be done with the aid of professionals.


Remember to perform the Golden Warrior Meditation if you find that you relate overmuch with the archetype.  This will help you reclaim your own power, and praise yourself for jobs well done.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Manipura—Guided Meditation for the Solar Plexus Chakra

Try to perform this meditation when you won’t be disturbed.  Turn the phone off or down, make sure the children are occupied or in bed.  Find a comfortable position either sitting in lotus position, lying on the floor or bed, or in a reclining chair.  Play soft soothing music.  Use the aroma therapy recommendations from the Manipura Correspondences, or burn incense of the appropriate variety to match the aroma therapy recommendations. 

Here is a bit of guidance about your personal power.  When you allow the opinions, actions or someone’s position in life cause you to act in ways that are against your nature, you have given them power over you.  They may not even be aware that they have this power, but you know they do if you really look.  These people will make you angry, do or consider doing things that are against you best interest.  This meditation will help you take back that power, and help assure that you do not give your personal power to others.  A really good article on this is Here.  You don’t need to follow her advice, but it does a good job of explaining personal power.

I like to record these visualizations.  Talk softly, and slowly.  If you don’t like the sound of your own voice, have a friend record it for you.  The multiple dots after words ……mean a long pause.  The dots after numbers mean to count slowly.

Now begin.  

The Golden Warrior Meditation

Begin by placing your tongue on the spot where your teeth and gums come together.  Take a deep breath through your nose 1…2…3…4…  hold that breath 1…2...3...4...5...6...7 exhale through your mouth 1….2…3…4…5…6…7…8 repeat this process 3 more times.  Begin to breathe normally.  Now relax your feet….  Feel that nice relaxing feeling moving up your calves…, through your knees and into the thighs…..  Feel your legs grow heavy and sink into their point of contact……  Feel that nice warm, relaxing feeling moving through the muscles of your buttocks and into your stomach…..feel the muscles relax and the tightness leave…….Feel that relaxation moving up your chest and back…, feel your shoulders relax, and shoulder blades press into the point of contact….Feel that nice relaxing feeling moving down your arm, and into your hands, feel a nice tingling feeling in your fingers as you let yourself go……Feel the relaxation move up your neck, into your scalp…..down the front of your brow.  Feel the forehead smooth out and lose its creases……feel the relaxation move into your jaw…unclench your teeth…..feel your chin drop……Relax…..Relax

Now you find yourself in nice comfortable surroundings.  There is a gentle breeze blowing….The birds are singing…You can feel the sun on your face.  You feel that nice warm yellow light penetrating your skin…. warming you from within.  Feel the power of that light….You are surrounded by the aura of the yellow light that serves as your armor.  An armor of warm strong yellow light that allows energy for your highest and greatest good to flow in, yet allows negative energy to flow out away from you.  It is always there, all you need to do is recognize it.  It is you and the armor is yours.  Feel yourself fill with confidence, power and courage.  I AM confidence I AM Power, I AM courage, I AM that I AM.  You fill with the yellow light of true power, confidence, and courage. You are right here, right now, and in control.  This is your position of control. You are capable of doing anything…You shall take back your personal power from anyone that you have given it to.

Envision the person(s) to whom you leak your personal power…..  See them standing at the edge of this area….…..In their hand is the scepter of your power that you have relinquished to them…..Feel the heat of the spiritual warrior coursing through your veins, feel the yellow light of your power….Stretch out your hand toward the scepter…..Call it to you……Watch it jump out of the grasp of the other person and fly into your grasp. You have no need to fight with this person, no aggression is necessary.  Just call to you what is yours by right.  You are now in possession of your personal power.  It has always been yours, and you have a right to it. You are now the wielder of this power.  You have the confidence to use it wisely.

You stride forward confident in your power.  You show the person the scepter of you power.  You gently say in a nice soft voice.  “This is my personal power, and I will never relinquish it to you or any other person.  I have the confidence to use it for my own greater good, and I will not need your help any longer.”  Wave your hand at this person in a dismissive gesture, and watch them blink out of sight……

Lie down with your scepter of personal power……Feel the confidence that it instills in you.  Absorb the power and make it yours. The scepter is a mere representation of that which is in you.  Know that you are courageous, because you had the strength to take back your personal power, and dismiss the person to whom you had given it.  You are a Golden Spiritual Warrior.  You have a spark of the divine for guidance, just be still and listen for it.  You can call it from within you at anytime. 

Now I’m going to count backwards form 5 to 1.  5…your are beginning to rouse from the visualization….4 you feel confident and powerful…3 your courage is always available…2 your power and divine guidance are yours at will….1 you are fully aware of your surroundings, your eyes are open and you feel relaxed and rested. 

This concludes the guided meditation.  Welcome to the world of confidence and courage. 
If you have any thoughts on guided meditations for this charka, please feel free to use them, and if you like share them with us.  You may use any part of mine that you wish, like the beginning relaxation.  Then you can add your own guided imagery, the more the merrier.  I sometimes use this is a specific way to reclaim my leaked power from a specific person.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Manipura-Solar Plexus Chakra Activities

Yoga Postures

Do NOT perform these postures if you are physically incapable of doing so.  Before beginning any type of physical postures one should consult a physician.

Pranayama — The described routine should be followed up until you reach the Breath of Fire.  However, performing all of them will not hurt you.  You should not perform any of these pranayama if you have breathing issues.  Go slow at first if you have never done these.
ChestExpanderI also like to just relax my arms to my side, and lean back a bit letting my arms dangle back of me and opening my chest.

Other Things to Try
  • Jogging
  • Power walking
  • Belly Dancing
Solar Plexus Contraction—Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet flat on the floor.  Be sure that your back is comfortable.  Take a deep breath and exhale.  At the same time contract your stomach muscles and try to push your belly button through to your backbone.  Hold for a short count of 4 and release.  Repeat for a count of 5.  As you progress you may want to try a few more at a time.

BellyRoll Undulations also work well.

Activity for the Solar Plexus
  • Take a trip on your own to somewhere you have never been.
  • Climb a mountain
  • Start a course of study of something you always wanted to do
  • Sell or give away things that don’t have meaning or allure any longer
  • Talk to someone who frightened you in the past
  • Talk to a friend or healer who can help you resolve issues in you past, which block your happiness and health today.
Aroma Therapy
Bergamot—(Citrus bergamia)
Carnation—(Dianthus caryophyllus)
Gold Chamomile—(Roman) (Chamaemelum nobile or Anthemis noblis)
Fennel—(Foeniculum vulgare, F. officinale, Anethum foeniculum)
Lavender—(Lavendula augustifolia, L. officinalis, L. vera)
Sandalwood—(Santalum Alb)

Methods for dispersing are in hot melted candle wax (unscented candle of course).  Don’t get oil in flame, just drop on top of melted wax.  Oil diffuser on low wattage lamp, or on low wattage lamp bulb itself.  In simmering (not boiling) water.

Follow the Chakra
This is a free flowing movement with hands, feet and body moving from guidance from the solar plexus chakra.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hands on the solar plexus.  Visualize a golden yellow sphere vibrating under your hands, pulsating with light and energy.  Sense this yellow glow extending out from you Solar Plexus chakra to the rest of your body.  Become aware of the power that is now available to you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
  2. Keeping this visualization allow your solar plexus to direct the movement of your body as if it were a ball of light extending from your stomach.  Flow with the movement of the energy, feel your feet and arms flow with the movement of the energy.  Allow your arms to swing out to the sides and twist your body to follow their motion.  Intuitively follow the movement.
  3. Acknowledge any inhibited thoughts that enter your head and the let them flow past like a cloud on a summer day.  Try not to concentrate on anything but gentle, flowing movements of your body and arms.  Drift off into your own little world for as long as you are comfortable, keeping the focus on the powerful little ball of light emanating from your stomach.
  4. Allow yourself to become abandoned to the power within you, shutting off the inner voice of “shouldn’ts and can’ts”

Light Meditation

Get comfortable.  Either lay on the floor with hands at a 45° angle to your body, in a recliner or lying in bed.  Begin the meditation while playing soft, relaxing music, and if possible use one of the aroma therapy methods defined in a previous post. 

Take a few deep breaths prior to beginning the 4-7-8 Breath.

4-7-8-Breath—Take a slow deep breath in through the nose for a count of 4; visualize inhaling nice, clean, relaxing air.  Hold the breath for a count of 7; visualize the nice clean relaxation circulating through your body.  Exhale through your mouth with a whoosh sound for the count of 8; visualize releasing all of the negativity and tension from your body.  Your tongue should be touching the roof of your mouth right where the teeth and gums come together.  There is no prescribed length for the counts, but they should be equally space through each cycle.  Perform four (4) cycles at first, and increase to eight (8) cycles over 4 weeks.  There is no need to perform more of these at one time.  Do this a couple times a day.

Return your breathing to normal.  Tell your body to relax.  Pay close attention to the jaw line, brow, and shoulders.  Notice any areas that are painful and tight and breathe into them while you feel them relax and release.  When you are relaxed; breathe normally.  Feel yourself bathed in the warm fire of the confidence.  This is not a fire that will burn you physically, but one that will light the fire of confidence.  See the yellow fire of confidence coalesce around your solar plexus, feel it enter your body and lodge in your solar plexus.  Feel that yellow light attach into your spine, and warm you.  Feel this yellow light expand up and outward to just above your body.  Watch as it turns into the bud of a lotus.  Visualize the bud opening, into the first blush of full bloom.  This is not an overblown bloom, past its prime, but one that is perfect.  Visualize this lotus begin to spin clockwise.  Slowly at first, but picking up speed until it falls into rhythm with your heart.  Hold this visualization for as long as you like .……….  When you are finished breathe deeply and feel the energy of the breath revive you and energize you.

Need some wonderful meditation music? Go Here

Monday, July 9, 2012

Manipura-Solar Plexus Chakra Correspondences



Function—Will, power, assertiveness

Rights—To act and be an individual


Symbol—Ten Petal Yellow Lotus

Life lessons—Self-esteem/self-confidence, the courage to take risks, to be

Main Issues— Personal power, self will

Area of body governed—digestive system, muscles

Gland—Pancreas, Adrenals

Physical Ailments—Stomach ulcers, fatigue, weight around stomach, allergies, diabetes

Associated Spinal Area—lumbar ganglion

Life Issues—Personal power, self will

Crystals—Yellow citrine, topaz, aventurine quartz, sunstone, amber, rutilated quartz


Seed Sound, Mantra—Ram


Musical Note—E- marches

Ruling Planet—Mars & Sun

Incense/Aromatherapy—Vetivert, rose, bergamot, yland ylang, dragon's blood, sandalwood, saffron, musk,  ginger, cinnamon, carnation, lemon, grapefruit, juniper

Tarot Card—The Sun, Strength, The Emperor

Tree of Life Sephiroth—Hod & Netzach

Astrological—Aries, Leo

Hindu Deities—Agni, Surya, Rudra, Lakini

Other Deities—Brigit, Atene, Helios, Apollo, Amaterasu, Belenow, Apis, Ra



When performing these affirmations, know that they are true, feel it, be it.

  • I am love, intelligence, and goodness
  • I have an abundant life
  • I am confidence
  • I am power and wisdom
  • I am love, respect, joy and prosperity
  • I am, therefore I have all that I manifest
  • I am worthy.
  • I am the prime decisive
  • I can manifest anything that I desire
Things to do to Strengthen Manipura

Using things around the house create a vignette to help balance this chakra.  Remembering the correspondences, and use yellow pieces, and crystals if you have them handy, otherwise pieces of clothing, towels, scarves, pictures, candles all may be used; whatever reminds you of the areas that we are working for this chakra.  The vignette can be used as a focus for meditation.  You may want to use just a little TV tray, night stand or patio table for this.  I will leave this up for a specific chakra when it needs balance.  I like to have it portable if I decide to meditate outside.  I will also light some incense and let it burn near the vignette.  (Follow safety practices with burning.) Leaving it set-up will allow you to stop on the way by to do a quick visualization or repeat the affirmations. 

A quick meditation I like enjoy is visualizing of the chakra in motion.  I use my hand to tell me how it is moving, as my hand seems to move in conjunction with my chakra.  You can use any method you wish.  Visualize the chakra motion.   See the confidence and self-worth flowing from this chakra. I am; therefore, I manifest everything I desire.   Feel that yellow energy and confidence rise up the sushumna to the crown.  Feel the shiver of pleasure and energy as it passes through the crown and flows over your body in an aura of the color of the chakra that covers the other colors that you have already placed there through the other meditations. I am that I am........Ram.....Ram.....Ram....

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Manipura-Solar Plexus Chakra Introduction

What & Where

Manipura is Sanskrit for “Lustrous gem”.  This chakra is where the upward flow of earth energy meets the downward flow of cosmic energy.  It is ruled by fire and the Sun’s energy.  This is where matter and form meet willed action.  The pancreas is the gland of this chakra.  It produces insulin and regulates metabolism.  When we are imbalanced in this chakra, we usually have problems with metabolic processes.  It is located just below the sternum and above the naval and sits over the stomach and the nerve ganglia under the diaphragm.

Main Function

“From earth to water to fire!  Our dance grows, impassioned now as we reclaim our bodies and reach through emotions and desire to find will, purpose, and action.  We grow in Strength, we feel our power rising from our guts, descending from our visions, releasing joyously from our hearts.”—from “Wheels of Life” by Anodea Judith, PhD.

This is where the conscious acts originate, and we move from the strictly physical realm of survival and relationship, to the combined physical and mental level of willed action.  This chakra is where we overcome the fixed inertia of the first two chakras, and like the driver hitting the golf ball we go into action. 

In the second chakra we experience the pain and feel like victims when something bad happens to us.  This is good because we get in touch with our needs, but we need to be able to move from this victim attitude in order to make positive changes to protect ourselves.  If we adopt the attitude that others are responsible for our happiness, then our only hope is that others will change, and we cannot control this.  We need to take responsibility for ourselves and effect the changes necessary to assure our happiness.  Don’t get the idea that there aren’t situations in this world that won’t victimize us, and that there are systems that are unjust; however, our reaction to, and our attitude towards these things will be the difference between becoming a victim or awakening our higher self.

You are the architect of your world.  Everything in it is there because you manifested it by your actions, or lack of action.  Feeling powerless is not the lack of the ability to manifest, but failure to recognize that you are responsible for the creation of your world.  You manifest everything in your world simply by keeping your mind on something.  Do you worry that you are too fat?   Do you spend time thinking about this, fretting; if so, that fretting is like praying for more fat.  Think thin thoughts, think abundant thoughts.  Engage you I AM that I AM, and create your world the way you wish it to be.  There are lots of teachings about how to do this, look at a few.  My favorite is “Wishes Fulfilled” by Dr. Wayne Dyer.
“This center is directly related to self-value, a primary quality in our relationships with others and the world around us.  If we fail to honor ourselves and know that we are worthy simply because we exist, our sense of personal identity is weak.  Consequently this chakra deals with self-esteem, confidence and freedom of choice.  It reflects how we see ourselves and exercise our innate power.” ~~Quote from “The Book of Chakras” by Ambika Wauters
When one acts from ones personal identity the chakra quickens.  When we allow others to label us, and act in ways just to please others, we deny our selfhood and this chakra becomes unbalanced.  If we are labeled a certain way, and we act only from those labels we are denying our personal identity and avoiding contact with our higher self.  Forming healthy attitudes about who we are, and establishing contact with our higher, spiritual self, allows us to act from personal power and confidence.  This helps us establish and connects us with our innate sense of worth.
We don’t need to prove our worth to anyone, as we were born perfectly worthy.  We are value incarnate.  Once we are cognizant of the fact that we are worthy simply because we are alive, we free our life’s energy and force for living.  Any time we deny our worth we give away our power and deplete this chakra, which denies us of love, kindness and respect, and opens us up for manipulation and exploitation.  If we honor ourselves we open ourselves up for respect, kindness and goodness to come our way.  We will act in ways that will place us in situations where we are valued and honored.
Gut feelings are generated from this chakra, like butterflies, or a tightening of the whole area when you feel something is wrong.  Our emotions are processed through this chakra, where fire energy burns them up.  Like real fire, the ashes need to be swept clear occasionally in order for the fire to continue to burn properly.  One should strive to rise above the negative emotions, without becoming emotionless or uncaring, but to acknowledge, understand and then release them.  This way the chakra is kept in equilibrium and resists emotional stress.
Balancing this chakra helps us not to succumb solely to our head ruling our heart; our left logical side of the brain overwhelming our creative, intuitive, right side.  Balance is the key.  On the societal level this chakra relates to interacting with the world at large as an individual without drowning our personal identity.  This is societal interaction as a whole; outside our “tribal” (root chakra) or “partnership” (sacral chakra) interactions.
Related Bodily Functions
The associated body parts of this chakra are the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine and muscles.  Ailments caused by an imbalanced or dysfunctional solar plexus chakra are indigestion, acid stomach, acid reflux, ulcers, hepatitis, gallstones, pancreatitis, weight carried around middle and diabetes
Over Active
Angry, controlling, workaholic, judgmental and superior acting
Under active
Overly concerned with what others think, fearful of being alone, insecure, needs constant reassurance.
Respects self and others, has personal power, spontaneous, uninhibited.
It is a ten-petal lotus.  Within it is a downward-pointing triangle surrounded by three T-shaped svastikas that are symbolic of fire.  The ram fire God Agni is also depicted.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Svadistthana—The Empress/Emperor Archetype

When you start to shed the martyr archetype you will find that you become comfortable with the good things that come your way in life.  The Empress knows how to enjoy life, and knows that she deserves to be happy and have nice things.  You allow good things into your life.  Pleasure, ease and well-being are enjoyed as you allow yourself to be sated by life’s enjoyments.  Knowing when enough is enough is also part of this, as you listen to your body for the clues that say you are satisfied, and need no more.  Knowing what satisfies you by listening to your body, will protect you from relying on the material things of this world for a substitute for love.
The Archetype is comfortable with its place in the world and how their life unfolds.  They have abundance, because they draw it to themselves by letting go of the idea that it is undeserved.  This archetype is comfortable in this world, but does not always have an active spiritual life.  “Its appetite is nourished by life itself and it can have a passionate temperament as well as a jovial sense of humor.  It invites people to come close and it is always welcoming, coaxing people to share in its bounty.”
This archetype always exudes the attitude that there is plenty to go around, and that they will always be provided for.  The home is where the heart is for this archetype and they will enjoy making is look nice and sharing hospitality with others.  They enjoy food, drink and pleasures of the body, but understand the limits for good health and conscience.  There is an air of serenity about them and their surroundings that envelops those around them in the warmth of love.
The archetype is drawn to things that make it feel good and give pleasure; music, good food, beauty of the country and city, attractive clothes and surroundings. 

The Myth of the Archetype
Although this archetype is happy, there is much more to be developed within us.  Many of us are brought up to believe that what we have is the sum of who we are.  If we have many worldly possessions, we are considered worthwhile.  On the other hand, if we have nothing we are considered worthless.  Let’s look at this objectively in terms of this definition of worthwhile.  If a worthwhile person were to lose their job, and as a result their house, would they be a different person?  Let’s say a destitute individual living in a shelter suddenly inherited a million dollars, are they a different person?  The answer, of course, is a resounding No?  So it is very important to love yourself as you are, and not to measure yourself by the strictly materialist society that we have become.

Once you can love yourself, and who you are right now, and place your welfare in the hands of your higher spirit, you will find the Empress/Emperor Archetype available to you.  You will find not only abundance, but spiritual rewards coming to you.

An Activity to Increase Vitality

Move your body in a flowing manner; lift an arm in a graceful upsweep.  Feel the muscles of your body as the arm moves up.  Now lean the body into the upsweep of the arm and feel the muscles respond to your will.  Feel the gracefulness of your movement.  Now follow that movement with the graceful kick of the leg, and place the foot on the floor and follow with your body.  Sweep your other hand around to the back in a smooth graceful motion, and follow this with your leg and body.  Feel those muscles respond to your will, feel the gracefulness and pleasure of the movements.  Continue with the random smooth movements for a few minutes, all the while concentrating on the feel of the muscles movements and the gracefulness, and beauty of the body that is capable of such a range of motion.  Feel the pleasure of the flow of vitality that fills you as this activity continues.  Do this as long as you are able.

Try doing this a few times in a week.  Let me know how it feels.


This is a litany of Confirmations.  These confirmations engage the eternal "I am that I am" in all of us.  It allows you to manifest these things in your life.  You may add any I AM statements that you wish, but avoid using statements such as "I will be"  "I wish to be" or any other derivatives of these type of statements, as the are confirming that you are not yet whatever follows.  You really are all these things, you have to be.  You just can't see it as your minds eye is so tightly shut that you are blind.  This is your eye opener.  You are these things, you can't help but to be, as you are a chip of the creator and have that creative power.  Whatever you believe and confirm about yourself is what you will create for yourself; the good, the bad and the ugly.  You are the Architect of your world, so build wisely.  You are all these things listed and more, it is true, you are that, Amen, so mote it be.
  • I am beauty.
  • I am abundance
  • I am happiness and contentment.
  • I am sexy.
  • I am happy.
  • Life is sweet.
  • I am prosperity and love having money.
  • I am joy.
  • I am relaxation

Svaddisthana—The Negative Archetype-The Martyr

The martyr will often take some responsibility for their own situation, which is different than the victim.  However, they are not strong enough to take steps to change their situation from suffering to the happiness that all of us deserve.  This often happens because at some level they believe that they do not deserve to be happy.  They will sacrifice their needs and wants so serve those of others.

Like the victim they feel helpless to change their circumstance.  They will stay in situations that are not wholesome or healthy, and depletes their well-being.  This is because the martyr feels they are not entitled to happiness, therefore it can suffer for years.  Often the martyr feels they are doing “what is best” for their children and spouses, by always serving their needs, and denying their own needs.  This can often lead to bitterness and anger; this is especially true if those the martyr suffers for do not acknowledge the sacrifice the martyr is making.  In denying their true self the martyr gives up its own needs and want, and sets itself up for heartache and bitterness.
This next section is a small quote from Ambika Wauters Chakras and the Archetypes:
“Our culture validates sacrifice and sometimes encourages people to give up their dreams for the sake of others.  Nothing will disempower a person quicker than feeling they must give up their dreams for someone else’s happiness.  Whether it is done for approval or because of a desire to be loved and looked after, it diminishes a person when they do not choose to live their own lives.’
‘Many people collude with the martyr to carry on suffering rather than to take the risks which will transform its life.  Families and friends unconsciously (or consciously in some cases that I have seen-added by Shatril) encourage the martyr to continue its tasks of looking after others so that they are free of the responsibility of having to do it”;( i.e., taking care of aging parents with little or no aid from other siblings. Added by Shatril) –End quote
When the martyr looks like it may break out of the mold, others may make all kinds of negative remarks and actions that are really saying “go back to the way you were, because we don’t know how to handle this new you”.  It scares them to watch the martyr break the pattern because they may then have to learn to do for themselves and find ways to attain for themselves those things which had previously been provided through the sacrifice of the martyr.  All the pressure to return to previous behaviors may return the martyr to its proper place.  It is not easy for martyrs to change their pattern; those who have benefited from their sacrifice often collude to keep them in “their place”. 
Another aspect of the long suffering martyr is its ability to pass their behavior down to their children.  This is down through blame and guilt which then breeds dysfunctional adults.  Most people do not want the think that someone has sacrificed for them, and lots of negative energy such as blame and guilt is generated when the martyr exercises its power to punish others for its sacrifices.  They have suffered so other should also.
“During my seminars when I ask the audience how many can relate to being a Rescuer, a servant, or a Martyr, most hands go up.  Many people resonate to this trilogy because our culture has replaced its emphasis on the virtues of the rugged individual with obsession about victimization.  These three archetypes are patterns of disempowerment, but don’t confuse occasional feelings of martyrdom or a few incidents of rescuing people who were in emotional or financial crisis with an archetype.  We have all helped people, and we have all had “martyr attacks.” ~~Caroline Myss in Sacred Contracts.   We will find that upon occasion we have all exhibited and will continue to   upon occasion exhibit characteristics of all of these archetypes, and this is normal.  What is undesirable is to live ones life out in a negative archetype that controls ones life to the detriment of our mind, body and soul.  This very thing is what can be prevented by the exercises that are provided in this and all the other exercises provided in these lessons.
To move away from the martyr is not easy.  This archetype is often respected and encouraged by society and the people who benefit from its sacrifice.  The first step here is to deeply examine this pattern within you.  Accept that you always have a choice.  You can choose to remain where you are, or choose to step outside of this pattern.  The second thing you need to know is that all people deserve to be happy!!  Everyone deserves to be Happy!!!; including you.  Sometimes we need to realize that the risk of change is worth the effort.  Suffering can be a way for someone to feel special, and with the emphasis that our society puts on martyrdom as a positive way to be in life, it may be hard to move away from that long suffering archetype to something that is healthier for you emotionally and physically.
The choice to be happy is available to us all.
Recognizing the Martyr
Answer the following questions.  Be ruthless in your examination of your answer, and be totally honest with yourself.
  • Is it better to give than receive?
  • Is someone else more worthy to receive good things than you?
  • Do you feel that you are entitled to happiness?
  • Do you feel that you deserve the good things in life?
  • Is it necessary to sacrifice to have the good things?
  • Must you suffer a chronically bad situation to have the good things?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to consider the possibility that you may be operating from a Martyr Archetype.

Exercises to break away from the Martyr Archetype
“The position of the Martyr can be stuck and entrenched.  This is because the Martyr truly believes it is doing the right thing for itself even at the expense of its aliveness and well-being.  It thinks sacrifice is good for the self.  This leaves a large residue of anger and resentment for everyone to deal with and invites contempt and difficulties.  Through sacrifice the Martyr hides its inability or unwillingness to develop its life.  It gets caught in rescuing and fixing other people’s lives, often giving up its own creativity, sexuality and health to do this.  Perhaps worst of all, the Martyr expects sacrifice in return from others as acceptable behavior, when in fact sacrifice erodes people’s potential for a rich and fulfilling life.”  ~~Amibika Wauters in Chakras and their Archetypes.
  1. Recall a time when you felt like a martyr.  How did you feel?  Write down on a piece of paper what emotions you experience when you recall this situation.
  2. What did you gain and what were your expectations when you made this sacrifice?
  3. Do you resent this sacrifice?
  4. Are you willing and able to take responsibility for this situation without guilt or self-recrimination.  Your ability to do so will aid you to avoid this situation again.
  5. Can you accept your need for love and appreciation?  Can you accept that your willingness to sacrifice yourself was an attempt to win love and approval from others?  Can you accept that you needn’t sacrifice yourself to be loved?  Love belongs to you simply because you exist.  If this is too difficult for you to accept give some thought to your feelings of entitlement to love and happiness.

Meditation to Release the Martyr Archetype

 Ground and relax is whatever method suits you.  Play music or burn incense if you choose.  When you feel relaxed and calm begin this visualization.
Visualize a situation in which you felt like a martyr, where you felt you were sacrificing your creativity and happiness for someone else or a cause.  Feel the emotions that this visualization brings up.  Are you angry? Resentful? Disappointed? Unbelieving?  Feel them to their fullest, now say (aloud or in your head) “I am (define the emotion) at you (the person or group) for not seeing what I sacrificed for you.”  Say it until you feel that you have been heard by those who have caused this emotion.
Now imagine that you have been recognized for the sacrifice.  Imagine that the person or group is saying:  “I/we see what you have sacrificed and are grateful to you for this.  I/we release you from this need so that you may do what is necessary for yourself.”  Repeat this until you are convinced of its validity.  Once you are convinced say “I release this into the Earth so that this energy may be recycled in a positive way.”
Repeat this process as many times as you feel necessary to release yourself from the bonds of the Martyr.  You should also use it whenever you feel yourself slipping into this archetype.
Activities to Thwart the Martyr
The quickest way to keep the Martyr at bay is to do those things that you enjoy.  Do things that make you happy, and that are rewarding in and of themselves.  Listen to your inner spark of the divine when it suggests some activity that you will enjoy.  And to the degree that you can without being carted off to jail for child neglect stop the sacrifice of yourself and your creativity for others.  As often as possible do something that you enjoy, such as visiting friends, talking on the phone, write a poem, paint, craft something. 
Do the confirmations for this chakra.
The positive archetype will be posted soon.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Svaddisthana-Sacral Chakra Meditation 2012

I had a revelation about the use of affirmations.  I have always thought these were good things, and I know they have helped many people.  However, upon reflection of the word affirmations, I think it is better to "confirm" what is true in us all.  It is one thing to affirm things that we do not now believe we possess, but this action seems to acknowledge that currently, “I am not that.”  The reality is that we are all chips off the creative force, but have somehow shut our eyes so tight to the reality of who we really are, that we cannot manifest in the manner of the I AM that I AM.  We need to confirm and reconfirm, “I AM that I AM.”  Acknowledge our true nature.  Know it.  Believe it.  Be it.  IT IS SO.  AMEN. 

I know this seems like symantics to some of you, but when you look at how affirmations are used, you will understand what I mean.  Just give it a little thought.

Building the Pyramid

Sit on the floor either in lotus pose; or for those with no experience in yoga, sit on a cushion with your legs crossed in front of you. If you have trouble sitting on the floor, use a chair and sit with your legs spread wide apart. You may also choose to recline in a chair or propped up in bed with your legs wide spread, touch the soles of your feet together and draw them up to your pelvic area as far as possible. The idea is to stretch and elongate the groin muscles slightly. (No pain should ever be involved.  If it is painful, put some pillows under your knees for support.)

Use the breath Exercise: 4-7-8 to relax. Now scan your body for any tense areas, start at your toes and work up the legs to the thighs, to the pelvis, back shoulders neck and arms. If you spot any tense areas, just concentrate on relaxing and releasing the tension. Breath into the area, feel the breath release the tension on the out breath and fill it with relaxation on the in breath.

Now that you are fully relaxed, begin to visualize an orange pyramid that sits directly in your pelvic area. The four walls of this pyramid represent well-being, deservedness, pleasure, and abundance. Expand the pyramid until it encloses the entire sacral chakra area in a safe and healthful space.

Visualize the foundation of your pyramid as the seat of the I AM that I AM.  This is the spark of the creative force that exists within each of use.  Confirm, “I AM that I AM, and I AM born with the power to create everything I desire”.  Strengthen this foundation often with the confirmation of, “I AM that I AM.”  Know it.  Believe it.  Be it.  IT IS SO.  AMEN.

Strengthen the wall that is nearest your spine.  This is the wall of well-being; reinforce the walls with the knowledge that “I AM well-being”.    I do the things I love, and the things I must….. See the wall strengthen with each confirmation of this fact.  Strengthen this was often with the confirmation “I AM vitality.  I AM Well-being”.  Know it.  Believe it.  Be it. IT IS SO.  AMEN.

The wall that runs along the left-hand side of your body is the wall of deservedness. Strengthen this wall and reinforce it with the knowledge that I deserve all good things in life.  I AM well-being, abundance and good health…. Examine your belief of your deservedness for these things… If you discover any doubts, release them and trust that life is meant to be pleasurable and comfortable.  Allow this awareness into your consciousness.  Strengthen this was by repeatedly confirming, “I AM that I AM, and I AM born with the power to create everything I desire”.  Know it.  Believe it.  Be it.  IT IS SO.  AMEN.

Now look at the front wall that represents, pleasure and your capacity to experience joy. Strengthen and reinforce that wall with the full knowledge that you are meant to experience pleasure and joy in this life time.  Confirm, “I AM joy and pleasure”.  Reinforce this, by repeatedly confirming that I AM joy and pleasure. Know it.  Believe it.  Be it.  IT IS SO.  AMEN.

Now strengthen the wall on the right side of this pyramid.  This is the wall of abundance.  Give thanks for all the abundance that surrounds you.  Glory in the abundance that exists around you.  Confirm, “I AM abundance.” Take time to give thanks for all that is wonderful and meaningful in your life.  Spend a little time strengthening this wall.  Strengthen this wall by repeatedly confirming, “I AM Abundance.”  Know it.  Believe it.  Be it. IT IS SO.  AMEN.

Now look at each wall, and make sure that you are happy with the strength of each.  Focus more strength into any that may need it.  Strengthen these walls by repeatedly confirming occasionally throughout the day, “I AM vitality, joy, pleasure, abundance, and well-being.”  Know it.  Believe it.  Be it.  IT IS SO.  AMEN. 

You may adapt this in any way you wish.