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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Svaddisthana-Sacral Chakra Introduction 2012

What & Where

Muladhara is about survival, grounding, and stability, by comparison the second Chakra Svaddisthana is about flow, movement and flexibility.  In Muladhara we develop the ability to love ourselves, and once that is accomplished we are able to move on to healthy loving relationships with others.  Muladhara gives us a good grounded base from which we can begin to flow out through Svaddisthana and explore the rest of the world. 

Svaddisthana is located about two inches below the naval and two inches into the pelvic area. It governs sexuality, creativity, emotions, and pleasure. This Chakra is about our feelings of pleasure and well-being.  It also affects our capacity to develop a sense of abundance.  The Sanskrit name Svaddisthana means “Sweet Abode”.   The ductless glands are ruled by this chakra; in women ovaries, in men testes.  The penis is the realm of the Base Chakra Muladhara because of its capacity to assure the survival of the race.

Main Function

This chakra’s functionality depends on the degree that we care and value our own being.  If we believe that we are deserving of the good things in life, this chakra opens and draws pleasure and abundance.  If on the other hand, we believe that we are undeserving of the good things in life this chakra shrivels up, closes and loses the ability to draw abundance and pleasure. 

On the physical level, this chakra is the seat of our sexuality and our sense of pleasure.  Being in touch with our sexuality allows us to grow emotionally.  A wholesome attitude toward sexuality opens up our ability to have fulfillment in the love of another and the joy and pleasure of such a physical union.   

On an Emotional level, this is the center of pleasure and well-being, which leads to a feeling of abundance.  When we are not experiencing these emotions we become frustrated.  What usually crops up in its place is a feeling about what we lack, such as, love, sex, money and joy.  It is learning to be grateful for what we have that is key to relieving much of this tension, and balancing this chakra.  Once balanced this chakra will spin and draw in pleasure and abundance.  Imbalances of this chakra result in sexual misconduct, over eating and addictive behavior.   Our efforts with this chakra will teach us to focus this energy on positive emotional expression, and release any of the sense of loss and lack that may be held in this chakra. 

On the mental level, our attitude about money, health, pleasure and deservedness are held in this chakra.  Money and sexuality are the two areas that have the most constraints around them.  How we handle these subjects has a direct effect on our personal energy.  If we have negative, afflictive ideas, we suffer from deprivation and are on a slippery slope to disease.  An attitude of gratitude for the things that we have will create thoughts of abundance, and a positive attitude.  These thoughts will cause us to manifest more of the same things, and attract more wonderful people, things and experiences into our lives.

“The essence of the Sacral Chakra is about knowing that what we have and do is good enough.”   We manifest abundance when we recognize all the advantages that we have.  The focus is on abundance and appreciation for what we already have.  If we adopt an attitude of lack of things and physical characteristics, and focus in pure materialism and what it is that we think we need to exhibit abundance like the Jones’ then we are doomed to unhappiness.  For what we put our minds on with any frequency, and accompany these thoughts with the emotions, is what we manifest in our lives.  As you can see, if you put your mind on your abundance, then you will manifest abundance.  If you put your mind on the lack of things in your life, you will manifest more of what you don’t want, and don’t need more of, and that is lack.  The choice is yours.  If you focus on lack it may manifest as dysfunctions of the sacral chakra.  If you keep doing what you’re doing you’ll keep getting what ya got.  Focus on the things you have, remember they are good enough.

The archetypes of this chakra are the Emperor/Empress and the Martyr.  The Empress exhibits the knowledge that we deserve abundance and happiness.    The martyr exhibits the attitude that he does not deserve abundance and will accept a life of suffering and deprivation; fortunately they do not blame anyone else for this, as does victim in Muladhara.  The martyr feels deserving of his plight and helpless to do anything about his situation.  The Empress’ difference is in the belief that she deserves abundance, which then allows it to manifest in her life.

Another function of Svaddisthana is Internal Balance.  While the Muladhara deals with sex, as in procreation and survival of the species, Svaddisthana deals with the exploration of our sexuality which leads to the joy of giving pleasure to others.

 Our sexuality allows the coming together of the masculine and feminine, not just as it relates to others, but also as it relates to bringing together the masculine and feminine in each of us as we develop our spirituality.  We move on to balance of our right brain and left brain, or masculine and feminine sides.  We begin to integrate the masculine left brain actions, of drive, ambition, organization, action and logic side, with the feminine right side actions of creation, nurturing, artistic, and verbal skills.  The balancing of the Svaddisthana moves us toward the internal balance we need to function well in this world. 

In a healthy, mature heterosexual man, the male principle is in the fore, but they have access to the softer feminine principle when needed.  On the other hand, a healthy, mature woman will have the female principle in the fore, but it will be supported by the harder masculine aspects.  Remember the flow; it is the healthy flow of Svaddisthana that facilitates the ability to move between the right and left brain controlled principles.

When couples are in a relationship there is an ordinary flow from the masculine to the feminine principles for them.  They will be able to apply the required set of principles for any situation that would arise.  Let’s say for instance that a man’s wife were to become ill, he would be able to reach into the soft, feminine principles to care for his wife, and nurture the children while his wife recovered.  In the reverse situation, the woman would be able to reach into the harder, masculine principles of organization and a drive to keep the bills paid and the home running, while he recovers.  Single people tend to use all of the principles all of the time as long as they are emotionally healthy.  In gay couples, there generally is an even flow between the couple, which allows them both to access the necessary principles required.

Related Bodily Functions

The areas that are affected here are the sexual organs, bladder, circulatory system, prostate or womb.   The dis-eases of this chakra are impotence or frigidity, bladder and prostate problems, lower back pain.  People with multiple urinary tract infections, enlarged prostate and other dis-eases associated with this chakra; need to spend time balancing Svaddisthana. 

Over Active

Emotionally unbalanced, a fantasist, manipulative, sexually addicted

Other characteristics are:

  • Sexual addictions
  • Obsessive attachments
  • Addiction to stimulation
  • Excessive mood swings
  • Excessively sensitive
  • Poor boundaries, invasion of others
  • Emotional dependency
  • Instability
Under Active

Over-sensitive, hard on oneself, feels guilty for no reason, frigid or impotent

Other characteristics are:

  • Rigidity in your body, beliefs or behavior
  • Emotional numbness or insensitivity
  • Fear of change
  • Lack of desire, passion or excitement
  • Avoidance of pleasure, fear of sexuality
  • Poor social skills
  • Excessive boundaries
  • Boredom

Trusting, expressive, attuned to ones own feelings, creative

Other characteristics are;

  • Graceful movements
  • Ability to embrace change
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Nurturance of self and others
  • Healthy boundaries
  • Ability to enjoy pleasure
  • Sexual satisfaction
  • Passion
Things to do to Balance Chakra

Answer these questions and share the answers, if you choose.  However, if you choose not to share, give me some information about how the exercise made you feel.

  • Do you take time to tune into your own emotions?
  • Do you have the courage to express your emotions appropriately?
  • Which emotions seem to overwhelm you?
  • How were your emotions responded to when you were a child?
  • Do you value your own feelings?
  • Which individuals have influenced your beliefs about your emotions?

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