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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ajna-Brow Chakra Correspondences

6.2 Ajna-Brow Chakra Correspondences-2014

Element—Light/Telepathic, Energy, the Cosmos
Function—Seeing, Intuition, Conceptualization, Creative Visualization
Basic Rights—To See
Strength—Intellectual Skills, Evaluation of insight, receiving inspiration, generating wisdom from experience
Shadow—defining the truth in self-serving ways
Life lessons—Emotional intelligence
Main Issues—Intuition, Knowledge
Area of body governed—Eyes, base of skull
Associated Spinal—First cervical vertebra

Location of ANJA 

Life Issues—emotional intelligence, clairvoyance, understanding, reality check point, detachment, open mind
Physical Ailments—Headache especially migraines, poor vision, eye problems, neurological problems
Crystals—Lapis Lazuli, Calcite, sapphire, fluorite
Shape—Five pointed star
Plant—Almond blossom
Musical Note—A
Seed Sound—OM
Ruling Planet—Moon
Incense/Aromatherapy—Hyacinth, camphor, Violet, Sweet Pea
Tarot Card—The World, The Moon, The Fool, The High Priestess
Tree of Life Sephiroth—Chokmah and Binah
Hindu Deities—Shakti Hakini, Paramasiva, Krishna
Other Deities—Themis, Hecate, Tara, Isis, Iris, Morpheus, Belenos, Apollo
Astrological—Sagittarius & Pisces
Archangel—Shekhina the female face of God (Azna)

Litany of I AM for AJNA

·       I AM Silence
·       I AM Protection
·       I AM a feeling
·       I AM a Son of God
·       I AM Wisdom
·       I AM the divine plan manifesting itself
·       I AM pure clarity
·       I Manifest what I visualize
·       I AM the watcher wisdom
Exploring AJNA

Consider the Answers to these questions

  • How much silence is there in you life for the whispers of intuition to be heard?  Meditate & spend time in quiet contemplation
  • Have you ever acted on intuition?  When you have a strong urge go with it.  Look for the strange incidence which may have something for you to learn.
  • Close your eyes, now do you know what is around you?  Open your eyes and really look, notice the shapes, colors, general configuration.  Take time to notice details.
  • Have you ever considered why people come into your life?   Do you look outside yourself for answers?  Note insights in the form of images, colors, words and phrases.
  • How do you discern who and what are for your greatest good?
  • Do you honor your personal truth?
  • Do you tune into your body, your feelings, and your spirit to know what your truth is?
  • Do you know the importance of personal integrity?
  • Where do you channel your creative energy?

Create an Energy Center for AJNA

Using things around the house create a focal point, like a table top, to help balance this chakra.  Remember the correspondences.  Use indigo pieces and crystals if you have them handy, otherwise pieces of clothing, towels, scarves, pictures, candles all have a place in the display.  Whatever reminds you of the areas want to work through AJNA can be placed in the display. You may want to use just a little TV tray, night stand or patio table for this.  You may be using this set up for a while, and you may not want to set it up each time.  This will also allow you to stop on the way by and just do a quick visualization exercise.

Now that you have put together the display, it is time to do a quick 5 minute visualization to ask for balance of the chakra.  One of the things I enjoy is using my visualization of the chakra in motion.  I use my hand to tell me how it is moving.  Visualize the chakra motion.  Visualize pleasure and joy stemming from this area.  Feel that indigo energy and pleasure rise up the sushumna to the crown.  Feel the shiver of pleasure and energy as it passes through the crown and flows over your body in an aura of the indigo color of AJNA.

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